Drunken Tower

რეკომენდირებული ასაკი


მოთამაშეების რაოდენობა

2+ მოთამაშე

თამაშის ხანგრძლივობა

10-15 წუთი

თამაშის სირთულე


თამაშის მოცულობა

19 X 20 X 7 cm


Drunken Tower – Includes 4 Shot Glasses, 60 Stacking Wooden Blocks with Designer Gift Box as shown
Unique instructions on each block
Blocks made of real wood
HOW TO PLAY – Some blocks have a hidden drinking challenge printed, others are blank, write your own challenge on the blank blocks if you dare! Two or more players
TIPS – Best played while SEATED! Recommended Age 21+
One player builds the tower on a flat, study surface. Place three blocks in each layer, at night angles to the previous layer. All blocks with instructions are placed face down. You will have a 20-story tower when finished.

The player who built the tower goes first. Play then continues to the left.
On your turn, carefully remove a block from anywhere below the highest completed layer. Flip the block over and follow any instructions given. Once the instruction are carried out, stack the block on top of the tower. While stacking, always complete one 3-block layer before starting the next one.
Remove and stack one block per turn unless otherwise instructed. To remove a bock, use only one hand at a time. You can switch hands whenever you wish.
As play proceeds and the weight of the tower shifts, some blocks become looser than others and are easier to remove. You can touch other blocks to find a loose one, but if you move a block out of place, you must fix it before touching another block.
Your turn ends 10 seconds after you stuck your block. Or as soon as the next player touches a block.
Keep removing and stacking blocks until the tower fails.

Winning the game
The last player to take a turn without making the tower fall or the last player still standing, wins the game,

რეკომენდირებული ასაკი


მოთამაშეების რაოდენობა

2+ მოთამაშე

თამაშის ხანგრძლივობა

10-15 წუთი

თამაშის სირთულე


თამაშის მოცულობა

19 X 20 X 7 cm