Victorian Masterminds

რეკომენდირებული ასაკი


მოთამაშეების რაოდენობა

2-4 მოთამაშე

თამაშის ხანგრძლივობა

45-60 წუთი

თამაშის სირთულე


თამაშის მოცულობა

29.5 x 29.5 x 8.5 cm


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All around the world, from Moscow to Washington, from Paris to Rome, Supervillains have run amok. Iconic monuments are being stolen right out of the cities, and high-profile scientists and politicians are going missing. Even the famed detective, Sherlock Holmes, is gone without a trace. The world’s treasures are vulnerable to the most nefarious villains out there.In Victorian Masterminds, players take on the role of Supervillains attempting to hatch an evil scheme. They send their Agents out to the great cities of the world to advance their plots, or mess with the plans of their opponents. Careful planning can result in the spoils of Supervillainy, like collected resources, captured Buildings, or recruited Scientists. These Villains are racing to complete their Infernal Machines, but the Secret Service will be hot on their trail as well.

Sherlock Holmes is dead! And with London’s greatest detective out of the way, those with villainous minds decide to wreak as much terror as possible on the populace — and you are one of those dastardly no-goodniks!

While Europe sits unprotected in Victorian Masterminds, you and other players send your henchmen to different cities to use their varied abilities, collect material for your steampunk-inspired contraptions, destroy buildings, and complete missions. At the same time, the Secret Service follows your path of destruction. Every contraption is unique and allows you to take different actions, leading to highly strategic, asymmetric gameplay.

In more detail, during the game, players take turns placing one of their five agent tokens — Henchman, Machine, Saboteur, Pilot, Number 2 — face down on one of the five action spaces. As soon as three tokens are on a space, those tokens are flipped and activated, first in first out, with each agent carrying out its individual action in addition to whatever takes place in that space. When an evil mastermind completes their contraption or the Secret Service brings this villainy to a halt, the game ends, and whoever has generated the most victory points wins.

რეკომენდირებული ასაკი


მოთამაშეების რაოდენობა

2-4 მოთამაშე

თამაშის ხანგრძლივობა

45-60 წუთი

თამაშის სირთულე


თამაშის მოცულობა

29.5 x 29.5 x 8.5 cm